Thursday, January 06, 2011

My apartment

Before I returned to Swaziland, I promised my father I would post a photo of the place I lived. Since returning, it's rained so much I haven't been able to take the postcard-perfect view of the house from the road. So here's a rather everyday sort of interior instead.

It looks like blazing sunlight outside those windows, but obviously that's the camera loving the light. In fact that lovely view I posted two days ago has been replaced by a solid wall of grey.


yourmum said...

That is a VERY nice home ... and I thought Africa meant deprivation! Good to see the blog again (actually, it just suddenly appeared on my screen when I was hitting links in frustration, trying to find lost bookmarks after a compulsory computer change at work). BTW ... it is a long time since you left - there are many more interesting computer related occupations these days!

Anonymous said...

Cool! Looks way more modern than any of your kitchens in Maputo.
