Friday, January 14, 2011

A milestone

I forgot to mention something important that happened over the weekend. On Saturday morning I met my friend Anna Julia for breakfast at a café in Maputo (I won't mention the name, as I doubt Anna or I shall be returning there, after finding bichinhos (insects) in Anna's muesli, and getting old-style customer service when we tried to rectify the situation). Anyway, in between negotiations with the manager and a lengthy discussion of diving, I gave Anna a large bundle of rand, representing the deposit she'd paid on my behalf for a birding safari in Kruger Park in a couple of weekends' time. And the result of that exchange is: I am now DEBT FREE, after all the financial transtornos of last year.

One of my resolutions for this year is to remember how financial strain felt, every time I'm struggling with a career decision.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Almost daily posts. I (and it's probably the same for most of your potential readers)was expecting something much more sporadic. But we still need to talk about the battery so I'll hear you on Skype tomorrow.


Your mum said...

Have just caught up with the blog again - a hiatus caused by my own travel. Keep it coming, and it is good to see old problems have been resolved. Your adventures with finances and travel reassure me that I no longer wish to engage in difficult living conditions like that!

love from your mum

Anonymous said...

Great! How's your driving? When are you getting a car?
