Friday, November 16, 2007

Evening on Martires de Machava

Photo taken from my kitchen balcony last week, looking down from my third-floor flat into Avenida Martires de Machava.

Everyone's waiting for the chapa home. The people in the middle are sitting on the edges of a knee-deep pothole which functions nicely as a bench. This is about as close as I can get without people jumping up from their places, standing tall and wiping the smiles off their faces so that they appear dignified for the camera.

You know that summer is coming in Maputo when the jacarandas drop their flowers and the acacias break out in coral-red. Also when the markets are crammed with mangoes, kamikaze flying ants drown themselves by dozens in the thin film of water left behind after you shower, and you wake up at 4.30 every morning because that's when it gets light.


Anonymous said...

Summer in Moz is ahead of us ... here in Oz (or this part of it) the jacarandas are in brilliant bloom, dropping purple carpets in the streets. The mangoes are prominent as well, and in a recent sweltering few days, so were the flying ants (but instead of drowning in the bath, were crawling into peoples' clothing). At least in Moz you won't have another sign of our summer - conspicuous Christmas consumption.
Love from your mum.

Alexa said...

We do have relatively conspicuous Christmas consumption, obviously, but it consists of lots of goats being led into the bairros, and more than the usual number of chickens riding on chapas.
