Monday, March 30, 2009


Close examination of the photo will reveal that the road is being resurfaced. Is it normal for this operation to interrupt the water supply to the adjoining buildings, including the dingy pensão where I stayed? It was either that or the one up the street which doubles as a brothel at nights.


Anonymous said...

Which one is the dingy pensao? The scene is not unremeniscent of where I went for a walk this morning. I will take a camera with me tomorrow.

love from
The PC

Alexa said...

The dingy pensao didn't make it into the frame, sorry. I'm standing at the row of concrete-filled oil drums lined up across the street in front of the pensao, which is on my left.

I shouldn't defame the place (god knows it has enough problems). It has some pretty bougainvillea growing over the front verandah. It's only dingy inside. With sticky tablecloths.

Anonymous said...

Mocuba has street lights???

Alexa said...

Oh yes. They flicker so atmospherically all night (at least, they do when the power's on).

your mum said...

The planned mix of lions and slow-moving friends in Swaziland sounds more exciting than the choice of accommodation in rural Moz. Remember to take the pepper spray!