Friday, April 18, 2008

A Nigerian ate my laptop

It's past my bedtime here, but I'll post quickly to celebrate clearing two months' worth of photos off my camera. I used to download to a certain laptop assigned to the IT department, but had to hand it over temporarily to another staffer whose own laptop was sent for repairs. My certain laptop was then stolen from a hotel room in Chimoio while my colleague was out lunching. The hotel room keys were in the care of the cleaner and the manager at the time, but according to the police report it was stolen by a Nigerian who dropped by. Only God is all-knowing.

At any rate four new laptops have arrived and I've been told to put my name on one of them - which sounds impressive until you learn that the laptops are a donation from Lenovo, so cost the bank nothing. Still, I can always lie to strangers in airports.

A photo which goes some way to showing why I have plenty of work in Mozambique, especially as the clock tower has "TDM" prominently displayed - my old nightmare, Telecomunicacoes de Mocambique. (Yes, I have not yet had time to install a Portuguese keyboard on this new laptop.) A view of the city of Beira, one of the stops on my March trip.


Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the MP3 e MP4, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Alexa said...

Given that that's word-for-word identical to another comment on a previous post - apart from the link to the blog - I'm assuming that the comment is automatically generated by a Brazilian bot. If I get too many more of them I'll switch on comment moderation.