Saturday, December 29, 2007

New Year's devotions

Forget the Christmas updates - they can wait until a day when I'm not frazzled from year-end audits and the dire necessity of closing almost 2,000 dormant accounts before the end-of-year processing starts.

At the office we draw lots to decide who leads office devotions each Wednesday, and I've drawn next Wednesday, the first working day of the year. (I have previously drawn several other Wednesdays, but always been able to wriggle out of the duty, by travelling to Nairobi or being obliged to fix a server during the meeting.) I'd be most grateful for suggestions from anyone who has the power to comment as to what I should present for New Year's devotions.

(I'm sorrier than ever that the ingloriously inventive Beck has lost that power - her employer wised up - but probably best that she doesn't give me ideas.)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Birthday wish, I appreciate that and all the best for Xmas & New Year too, love Morgan & Jenn.

Merry Xmas Auntie Alex, Santa brought me a Woody doll (from Toy Story) love from Tobyj?d/"//ee[jkkL//?l.>L.vf f.,b.,d b., b /g/g..g..g. n.gnju

Please excuse the typos, that was Toby insisting on typing his own Email

Alexa said...

Toby is typing now?! That's what happens when a friend gives your child a toy laptop... careful, he might turn into a geek and fly away to Africa!

Boas entradas! (As they say over here - "good beginnings".)


david santos said...

Thanks for posting,

have a goos day,

Anonymous said...

Well, by now you have probably realised that your family and friends are not the best sources of inspiration for New Year devotional messages! We do have our respective talents, but clearly not in that area. Hope you found something suitably motivating and thought provoking. I look forward to reading it on the blog (IN the blog...?).
I hope your own 2008 is stimulating and interesting but not too exciting. Also rewarding (and yes, I know how idealistic you are but some ignoble financial reward could be useful as well).
Love from your mum.